Here's how you can add a resource pack to your server:
- First, you will need to host the file where everyone will be able to download it. You can use services such as the following to upload it:
2. Once you've uploaded the file, you'll need to generate a download link.
- Dropbox: You'll need to modify the link. At the end of the sharing link, there's this 'dl=0'. You'll need to change it to that 'dl=1'.
- Specifications: The file needs to be a .zip of any size
- Where to find a resource pack:
3. Afterwards, you'll need to log into Multicraft
4. And then, go to 'Config Files' inside of 'Files'
5. Open
6. Find 'resource pack'
7. Insert the link you've created in the box right next to it
8. Click 'save'
9. Restart your server
Well wasn't that simple! Enjoy your magnificent new textures on your Minecraft server and have fun!
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