Before we get started I'd like to mention a few things, firstly we offer a BungeeCord setup addon for a one time fee of $6, you will also need a minimum of 3 servers for bungeecord to run correctly.
If you have bought the BungeeCord setup addon we will take care of the configuration for you, we'll just need the following details:
- The server IDs for the servers you want in the bungeecord
- The name for each server and their respective ID
Installing BungeeCord.
- If you are installing BungeeCord on a service you already have with Anvilnode simply select "BungeeCord" from the server jar selection.
Setting up Spigot.
For each of your spigot servers you will need to set the following:
- Bungeecord: true | Spigot.yml
- Online-mode: false |
BungeeCord Configuration.
In your BungeeCord server file directory you will see a config called config.yml, open this using the editor.
Within the BungeeCord config.yml you will find a section like this:
restricted: false
Simply enter your server IP in the address area and give each server a restart. You should now be able to connect to your new BungeeCord server!